Sunday, January 30, 2011


Coffee is one of those drinks you either love or hate- think about first thing in the morning, or the smell abhors you. I happen to love it, strong and with delicious cream and real sugar. Though I have lost 19 lbs in 2 months, drinking diet sodas, eating whole grains fruits and vegetables, and using Splenda, I will never sacrifice real sugar and real cream for my coffee. I used to be a Dunkin' Doughnut coffee lover, now I prefer my coffee more acidic and very strong. Therefore now I am a Starbucks lover. And coffee goes so well with 'morning computer'. Snow still all over and more to come. Hope Egypt is improving. Hope the Packers win the Bowl. Hope Obama is regaining some followers and I hope they do not give Emanuel a vote in Chicago. Good-da (I love Aussie Land).

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