Saturday, January 29, 2011


I am trying to understand many of the feelings I am experiencing right now for 2 physician friends of mine. Both of them I have known for 20+ years. I was very hurt. Each of them, at different times, this same evening, spoke to me in a way I have never experienced from either one of them. The positive in this?  Find a new job. The stress level is too high; everyone is on edge and fired up; the physicians always seem to always be ready for a fight. I backed away, put my hand up and said, "Stop..never mind. I don't know this person" to one, yet he continued with an angry monologue. He did later apologize; I seemed to have brought up a 'sore topic'. To the other physician, I could not catch my tears from coming, so I politely said I needed to say goodbye and get off the phone". I believe the words were..."and frankly I am highly disappointed by your lackadaisical attitude...this is unacceptable" (because I would not engage a defensive attitude). I never engage in angry words when being attacked. What happened in this event, was a lack of communication from one nurse through him to me. I was not at fault. I took excellent care of the patient. Strangely enough, the incident was about the same patient, different physicians: one in the hospital 'covering' and the one whose patient it was (who was on the phone).

I believe in signs. I believe in numerology. I believe all things happen for a reason, and I believe in fate. I will see what positive this evening will hold and hope to experience this pain  for a short period.

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