Wednesday, August 15, 2012

When a Mistake Hurts

I made a mistake today and I learned from it. It was a big mistake. One that hurt only me very deeply. I wish I could take it back, but then would I have learned from it? Mistakes are 'oops' moments that are either trivial or ginormous. Today's mistake was ginormous. I ache from it. I am sullen and taken aback. I will be so sad for a few days and then, knowing myself as I do, I will be pensive to the core for months over it. It wasn't even an accidental happening. I knew I was making a mistake when I did it. Now I am weary and somewhat devastated. I have hurt myself so badly doing this, an action involving myself alone. How can we sometimes be so short-sighted when we make decisions. We Americans are instant gratifiers and don't know what you've got till it's gone is true that if you have your health, you have just about everything. No I did not harm anyone in the least. I simply made a bad decision to act on an illusive feeling. Feelings are transitory.

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