Saturday, August 4, 2012

A Job Is A Job Is A Job

What is it about some nights when you just loathe the thought about going to work the next day? A job is a job is a job right? We have to go to live...or is it 'live to work and work to live? A job is a place where you socialize, provide a service and make money. No more. It shapes many an identity. If you are a physician, you are healing the sick. If you are a teacher, you are expanding minds. But still, most jobs are an extended expenditure which leave us physically and emotionally tired by the end of the night or day. We try to focus on fun things, healthy things to do imbetween work days, but many of us find it arduous to attempt. I suppose the answer is to take all in stride. Do your best when you are at work or find another job. Try to have fun on your days off (to liquidate your stressors), and try to always be thinking of ways to do something each day which either makes us happy or is good for us. Labor on...........

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