Saturday, July 30, 2011

Birthdays and Zones of Discomfort

Today marks the beginning of my 55th year on the earth. I am 25 lbs overweight, work hard as a nurse, and ache like it too from both those sources. I remember Dale Carnegie saying, " Every action has a consequence". Therefore, every lack of action will also. It is a constant battle in the brain to do the healthier things. When one is so tired from long hours and devotional care, does one (do I) rest or exercise? I know the right answer, but rest feels healthier for me now. I have been a nurse for 33 years now. I have done just about everything and every area to do with it. Then there comes with it the response to friends and family because you ARE a nurse. I yearn to do yoga to get more limber and stretched/toned. I want to rejoin the gym. The oddity is, my knees are in good shape...(it is my hips that ache, and my legs from standing long hours) and I want to be a runner. I want for a neighborhood. I have no sidewalks where I live. I have no nearby school track. In either area, I would feel safer running.
I should go by Neil Armstrong's theory...One small step...(for me) giant step (in the short and long run- no pun intended). Maybe this will be MY year to move it along.

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