Friday, April 15, 2011

The Sarcophagus

This is the second day in a row I awoke with a rough headache. But this morning I was able to cry. That was the positive.Why the title 'sarcophagus'? Because I lay like one for 4 hours this morning. I was motionless, like I was dead stuck in a box, just thinking of the loss of my parents, looking out at the birds and nature, hearing the birds sing, and feeling empty. It was the sun and song that finally pushed me to get up (in addition to my head). I had a small grasp of a positive and PUSHED myself up to the sitting position. My golden Shilo, was and has been at my side every step of the way. Even my cats have been sitting with me and being close. Animals are amazing. How can anyone abuse them? Ghandi once said 'that if we all gave an eye for an eye, the world would be blind'. Something like that. Still I think people who set animals afire after dousing them with gasoline, should be doused with gasoline and set afire. I think known child offenders should have their genetalia cut off and maybe their fingers and then cut out their tongues. That should cover any further abuse. Animals and them...protect them. They are innocents. I believe we should also bring back public executions for witnessed offenders of heinous crimes. No trial. You did it, now you get it. Our legal system wastes too much time. It always brings me back to the thought of ethics/morals....what if they are emotionally unstable/sick? Seek help before you hurt another living thing. It is troubling knowing that prisoners receive the best education and healthcare than many of us, and we, the tax payers are paying for it.
I think an eye for an eye is certainly better than 'turn the other cheek'. Life is too precious to allow people to end it with evil intentions.

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