Friday, April 15, 2011

Getting On With It

Today I am going to do something positive for me, to help me. I am going to do- something- which will be another small step out of the frozen sphere I am in. Yesterday, I pushed and went out and did a lot of yard work. I trimmed and transplanted. The sun warmed my face and the wind was sweet. My lillies are coming up. My hasta are showing their heads. My red cedar is going from bark to a beautiful green giant. In June/July my majestic red mallows will push up their bamboo-like stalks and give me 8 inch red, habiscus-like blooms. Outrageous and sweet. I love to garden. Today I am sore from yesterday's digging, raking, and weeding. And as the birds sing and begin to nest in their usual places, life cyclicly goes on.. If one measures one's life by their favorite season, a short life is realized in line with eternity. How many springs do I have left (so to speak)? Bring on the blessings God. Give me strength. Help me push forward and reap my rewards and realize the life you have wanted me to have.

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