Saturday, August 20, 2011

MY Four-legged Friend-Misty Girl

I had bought her at the Vet's office. He had found a litter of barn kittens and was trying to find them homes. 200 dollars later, she was mine. I named her Misty because she had a bad cataract over her left eye. Later she would develop bad arthritis in her left leg,in the equivalent area of the human's knee. It made her left leg permanently bent at a 30 degree angle to where she had to limp. She was 7 until today. You see, we live on a farm. At 945 pm we found her dead in our yard, killed by another animal. Her neck was broken, her mouth full of blood and her white chest pink and red. But her sweet, lame eye was open, as was her 'good eye. She had eaten her dinner. She had gone out for her evening stroll around our back deck area. But when she never came in when we kept calling her, by early nightfall, we were out with our flashlights. We scoured the premises, but what we found was 4 feet from our garden. Our Misty Girl had been attacked and killed by a fox and lay there dead, bloody from her chest to her mouth. Her neck had been broken in that hard fight she fought to her death. At 1015 PM, we had laid her to rest 4 feet down in the garden spot she was closest to, in a box, wrapped in my husband's jacket and lain on a soft bed of towels, her proud head propped up. We even put a small amount of her favorite hard food in with her. We were crying like babies. My husband digging, and I just holding her and talking to her in her afterlife. She is gone from us now. Oh, did I mention she could talk? Not only was she lame, with 1 and one half cataracts, but she could talk in syllables. Her answers to your questions were always syllabic-ally correct and she would carry the 'conversation' on  until you stopped, not her. I will miss my brave baby. Another rescue and our third animal death in 5 years, 2nd parent death in 3 years. Yet her death- was tragic for one of the sweetest, most playful, snugly cats, who despite her imperfections, had the happiest, unpresumptuous personality of any cat I have known. God perfect you now angel Misty. You were a pleasure to have known, a joy in our lives

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