Saturday, February 5, 2011

Feeling 'Dazed and Confused'

Another two weekend days to work and again I am regretting it. The sense of family as caregivers is gone. I miss it. Very few people have the knack to do their work and manage to keep up with everyone's business. I often wonder why it is I have a problem doing that. I know it is not in  my work ethic, and I never was one for idol chatter. I never learned as a family member growing up that sharing was OK or even done. Nine people in a small house and no one really knew 'inside any of the others' heads'. We all went about our rote existences, trying to steer away from unpleasantries at all costs. I am only 53 and I feel weary about the future. Is this what going through the motions of and caring for, then losing your parents, is all about?

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