Saturday, September 17, 2011

Well I Passed!

I passed my Certified Legal Consultant test! I felt as if I was taking the bar exam! It was VERY hard. It had a lot of legal jargon, much of Latin derivation. Still I am very proud of myself and since that date have been taking daily steps to set up my own business: the LLC, the office set up and room designation for tax purposes (I will be working from home), and odds and ends which are many. Sometimes I wonder. I have had So much to do to pull this off, down to the suit, the briefcase, the referrals, the business stationary, the car magnets (cute huh...why not be a rolling advertisement-there are over 1,800,000 lawyers in the USA and counting! But the other piece is having to get another job while I have a job to build this business. I have applied for 11 jobs-try that on today's internet-ways-to-do-things-rather-than-on-paper mode) and I already have 3 bites. two are promising and exactly what I need. One is a Sat Sun 7p-7a supervisory position and the other is with an agency. Both will profit my desired end goal- to be an independent legal consultant. One is in geriatrics, the other will be in OB. These are the 2 HOTTEST fields involving law suits there are. Tally-ho.